Our Story.

God has bestowed different spiritual gifts on each of us. One of my gifts has always been philanthropy; I just love giving. Despite the fact that my husband and I are both lawyers, there have always been more people in need then I was able to support. Several years ago, while attending a college graduation I had the opportunity to hear one of the founders of a large company established by women speak. Inspired by her story of giving to the University, I asked the Lord to give me a product so I could give all of the profit to those in need as a service to Him.

I did not get a swift answer by any means, but I kept praying. In the meantime our daughter Nicole was attending Regent Law School and she was heavily involved in the fight against human trafficking. As she shared her knowledge of the facts and horrors associated with this worldwide business of oppression and exploitation, my heart was broken and I never recovered. I knew that I wanted to focus our cause on fighting trafficking, oppression and exploitation and I continued to pray. Then one day God answered my prayers and gave me the plan below.

Carolyn T. LeBoeuf, Esq.
Founder of Victress Over Darkness


Female victor in the fight against the evil darkness of human slavery and trafficking

Our Plan.

Our Goals

  1. To financially support the amazing organizations fighting human trafficking through the rescue and restoration of survivors and the pursuit of justice against all who participate in the sale and trafficking of others.

  2. To unify those who oppose human trafficking by creating a recognizable international symbol against human trafficking, displayed on a wide variety of products. Thus, whenever a person sees this symbol they will know that the wearer stands against human trafficking.

Why jewelry?

The more I prayed, the more I realized the need for an international and recognizable symbol against human trafficking, much like how the pink ribbon represents the fight against breast cancer. Unfortunately, I cannot draw, not even a stick person, so we sought the help of artists from all over the world through several international logo competitions, but none of the submissions felt right. Finally, one day alone in prayer, God, showed me His vision for Victress and the symbol we now proudly wear.

The Future.

As we grow, it is our goal to not only give our profits to the wonderful organizations fighting human trafficking, but to use all aspects of this business to aid in the fight. We know that poverty, in the United States and around the world, is one of the main factors that leads to human trafficking, thus it is our hope that as our business grows, we will be able to aid in the prevention of human trafficking, by providing job opportunities to at risk populations and survivors and help them gain self-sufficiency. It is our dream that this Victress Symbol will unite all advocates, survivors, and freedom fighters all over the world to stand together in solidarity against all forms of slavery and that every part of this company, from the manufacturing to the marketing, will be dedicated to that aim.

There is so much work to be done! By wearing the Victress symbol, you can make a difference and join the fight against human trafficking!

Our company will then give our profit to organizations that rescue victims, fight injustice and restore victims to Godly health. Such ministries would include Free For Life, International Justice Mission, border stations in India and Thailand, Operation Underground Railroad and other organizations on the front lines,

Won’t you JOIN THE FIGHT with us? We can all do something and together we are a mighty force in the fight to end the atrocity of selling human beings! How is it possible that such a horrendous crime still exists in our world? Let’s join together and show the world that WE ARE FIGHTING BACK!

As Nelson Mandela stated,

“It always seems impossible until it’s done”

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